Entries by jwrighte

How to Report Email Scams

Email Scams Abound Email is a great tool for communication, and almost everyone is using it. It’s great for keeping up with friends, solidifying business plans and talking with distant relatives. If you’re not careful, however, email can be used against you.

How to Get Your Money Back From Online Scams

Good News: It IS Possible to Get Your Money Back! Online scammers are sneaky.  Not only do they do an excellent job of disguising their real intentions, they also do a great job of covering their tracks.  This makes it incredibly difficult to get your money back if you’ve fallen victim to their ploy.

Tips to Ensure a Credit Card Refund

Here’s How to Get a Credit Card Refund Credit cards have become the payment plan of choice for most transactions.  While a credit card transaction can be processed quickly, efficiently, and painlessly, a credit card refund is usually the complete opposite – slow, inefficient, and a total nightmare.

Are You a Victim? Report Scam Phone Calls

Be On The Lookout for Scam Phone Calls Scam phone calls, or telemarketing fraud, are running rampant these days.  Unfortunately, it is often difficult to tell you are experiencing a scam phone call until your credit card bill comes in the mail.

Beware of Online Scams This Holiday Season

Don’t Let Online Scams Ruin Your Holiday Season It wasn’t too long ago that holiday shopping was a simple, joyous activity. Over the course of time, shoppers have had to start worrying about carrying cash or debit cards and keeping their purchases safely beside them. However, with the age of online shopping among us, new […]

7 Tips for Online Shoppers

Online Shoppers: Protect Your Money and Identity Birthday gifts, clothing, furniture, and even groceries, with just the click of your mouse! You can order almost anything, from anywhere in the world, without ever leaving your house.