Monica Eaton-Cardone’s Advice For ID Theft Prevention

Debit Cards and ATMs May Leave Consumers Vulnerable

The threat of identity theft is a major concern among consumers. According to USA Today, identity theft reports by consumers jumped by 47% in 2015.

As co-founder of eConsumer Services®, Monica Eaton-Cardone is an expert on the subject of fraud and identity theft prevention. Earlier this week, a piece published by high-profile finance site, The Street, featured advice to consumers on how to avoid being victimized.
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What This New Credit Score Measurement Tool Says About You

What Are Revolvers and Transactors? How Will These Labels Impact Your Credit Score?

There is an old myth which suggests that leaving a small balance on your credit card will actually help boost your credit score. While that may not make a whole lot of intuitive sense, plenty of people continue to believe this is the case.

However, not only is this not true, but due to the credit score measurements guidelines, allowing your account balance to rollover from one month to the next is actually detrimental to your credit score.

Revolvers vs. Transactors

When it comes to card balances, the three credit bureaus, TransUnion, Equifax and Experian, sort cardholders into one of two categories—revolvers or transactors.
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Monica Eaton-Cardone Featured on TheStreet

eConsumer Services® Co-Founder Monica Eaton-Cardone Discusses Millennials, Banking and the Future of Finance

In 2015, Millennials surpassed Gen Xers for the first time in terms of their share of the US workforce. More than one in three American workers are now under the age of 35, placing Millennials as the largest generational share of American labor. Of course, as more and more Baby Boomers reach retirement age, the trend in these figures will only continue be more heavily weighted toward Millennials and, soon, Post-Millennials.

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What is a Return Item Chargeback?

What is This Unfamiliar Fee on My Bank Statement?

If you’re like most consumers, you might have a rough knowledge of your current checking account balance.

Gone are the days when people would sit down for hours on end to meticulously record bills and balance the checkbook; a casual scan of the bank statement for anything unusual is about as thorough as most people get now.

Therefore, it’s understandable how most individuals would overlook a ‘return item chargeback’ line on the monthly statement.

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Are Free Trial Offers Really Free?

If a Sale or Online Special Seems Too Good to Be True, It Usually Is

We’ve all heard the cliché warning, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch,” but it has never rung as true as it does online. Products and services advertised with free trial offers are almost never what they seem.

While the promise of a great deal might be tempting, there are precautions to take before jumping on board.

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EMV Fraud Could Affect Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The Transition to EMV Cards Has Create a New Fraud Threat for Holiday Shopping


The retail industry is ramping up for its much anticipated Black Friday event, the unofficial start of the holiday season. Are you ready?

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SurfWatch Labs Podcast Featuring Monica Eaton-Cardone

Big Data Breaches, Legal Shakeups and EMV Rollout with eConsumer Services®

The co-founder of eConsumer Services®, Monica Eaton-Cardone was interviewed by SurfWatch Labs on their Cybercrime and Business Podcast.
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Safety Tips for Mail-Order and Online Pharmacies

5 Things to Remember When Buying Medication Online

We have safely arrived in the age of convenience. Whether we are looking for our weekly groceries, the perfect gift for a friend, or the ability to customize pretty much anything, we know where to find it: the internet.

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9 Things You Never Knew Could Destroy Your Credit Score

Deadly Consumer Actions are Destroying Your Credit Score

The simplest actions can make or break your credit score. In fact, there are several things you’re probably doing which will cause your rating to slowly dwindle until your reputation is absolutely destroyed.

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How to Avoid Counterfeit Merchandise

Tips to Help Consumers Avoid Counterfeits

Everyone loves a good deal, and there is nothing wrong with shopping around to find low prices for high-end goods. But when a deal comes along that seems too good to be true, it probably is.

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