card shimming

What is Card “Shimming”?

Most of us are at least somewhat familiar with card skimming. It’s an old trick, by which scammers use a device to steal data off of magnetic stripe cards. Well, there’s a new threat out there to know about called card “shimming.”

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What are the Leading Consumer Fraud Prevention Trends for 2023?

It’s the start of a brand-new year. With that, comes new opportunities. While many merchants are still feeling the ups and downs of 2022 (think supply chain woes, inflation, data breaches, et al.), it’s time to look ahead. We’re setting precedents for 2023, beginning with fraud detection and prevention.

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How to Protect Yourself From Holiday Season Scammers

It’s that time of year again: a time for sharing, shopping, family gatherings… and scams.

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5 Scary Fraud Scams to Avoid This Halloween

It’s the height of the spooky season. And if there’s one thing everyone should expect this time of year, it’s the occasional “trick” between the “treats.”

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4 Key Questions for Cryptocurrency Regulators

Cryptocurrency is still the hottest topic of discussion right now in consumer security circles.

Recently, there’s been more conversation than ever about the regulation of cryptocurrencies. While some people who are ideologically committed to crypto as a political project still resist it, most people in the know think it’s just a matter of time. That, as one article put it, “the writing may be on the wall” regarding regulation.

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What are QR Code Payments?

Have you visited a restaurant that asks you to point your smartphone at a QR pattern to view their full menu? Pointing your camera at the QR code makes the restaurant’s website pop up in your browser, and some even allow you to order directly from your phone. Easy enough, right?

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Be on the Lookout for These 9 Crypto Scams

You aren’t the only one who’s interested in cryptocurrency. Despite the volatile and uncertain nature of the crypto market, it is still the best and most popular alternative investment outlet available.

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How Do I Place a Fraud Alert on My Social Security Number?

Fraud alerts and credit report flags are the very first two steps you should take if your data has been compromised. It may stop the fraudster from using your info elsewhere. 

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3 Fraud Scams to Look Out for in 2022

The credit card industry is no stranger to scams. As long as credit has existed, nefarious types have explored ways to exploit it. That’s just the way of things. The onset of digital commerce and technology is just the next frontier for criminals looking to cash in on the unwary. Every year, their scams get more and more sophisticated. 

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How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Credit Card Fraud

You get home from a long day at work and take a seat, intending to make an order for carry-out. While scrolling through your options, you decide to check your account to make sure the funds you need are available.

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