holiday shopping fraud

7 Simple Tips to Prevent Card Fraud This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again. That’s right: the holidays are just around the corner!

If you’re planning to do some online shopping this year, you’re not alone. According to experts at Deloitte, consumers like you will spend as much as $149 billion online this holiday season. That’s an 18% increase over 2018 spending!

Of course, with that volume of money floating around, there will be some bad actors who try to take advantage.

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Thomas Cook refund

Thomas Cook Collapse: How to Get a Refund

Thousands Stranded. Thousands More With Plans in Limbo. What’s Next?

Thomas Cook isn’t the first major travel brand to go bust in recent years. We saw Icelandic carrier Wow Air close down suddenly in March, and just two years ago another UK travel giant, Monarch Airlines, shuttered unexpectedly, leaving 110,000 Britons stranded abroad. But what sets the Thomas Cook closure apart is the sheer scale of the incident. Now, thousands of consumers are asking what happens next, and how do they get their Thomas Cook refund?

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Capital One Data Breach

Capital One Data Breach: What You Need to Know

More than 100 Million Americans Exposed. What Comes Next?

On July 29, Capital One announced they were the latest major financial brand to experience a security breach. The attack exposed the data of more than 100 million people. Are you among them, and if so, what should you do now?

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Fourth of July Fraud Prevention

Declare Independence from Criminal Fraud This Year

It’s that time of year again. Yes, it’s time to grill-up some hot dogs, set-off fireworks, and celebrate freedom. On top of that, you may be looking forward to some of those deep, deep, discounts this Independence Day weekend, too.

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Do You Know the PSD2?

Big Changes to This EU Rule Could Affect Consumers Around the World

The Revised Payments Services Directive—also known as PSD2—is a new law set to take effect in the EU in September 2019. The PSD2 has two key components.

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Why Fraud is Hard to Stop

Why is Fraud so Hard to Stop?

Merchants & Consumers Lose Billions Each Year…but Why?

How much do we lose every year due to online fraud? Well, that’s a surprisingly hard question to answer.

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Why is the US Such a Credit Card Fraud Hotspot

Why is the U.S. Such a Credit Card Fraud Hotspot?

The U.S. Leads the World in Credit Card Fraud. Why?

There’s a wide variety of different payment fraud tactics out there. Account takeover, friendly fraud, account spoofing…the list goes on.

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Whos Responsible for Credit Card Fraud

Who’s Responsible for Credit Card Fraud?

When a Cardholder Suspects Fraud, Who Picks Up the Tab?

If you possess a credit card, chances are you’re aware of the risk of credit card fraud. If you’re not…you should be.

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Filing Post-Holiday Chargebacks

Filing Post-Holiday Chargebacks?

A Chargeback is Not Always the Best Option.

After the holiday shopping season wraps up…the New Year’s credit card bill rolls in. For many consumers, the weeks following the holidays can a little tight. Some may opt to return certain items in order to save money.

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Consumers Getting Smarter About Fraud

Consumers Getting Smarter About Fraud…but Not Fast Enough

Consumers are Learning, but so are Fraudsters

Good news: consumers, as a whole, are getting better about fraud awareness. At least, that’s what a new report from risk management company Featurespace shows.

The company’s U.S. Consumer Fraud Sentiment Survey shows consumers’ understanding of fraud and how to protect themselves from it is growing. However, it’s not all rosy. There are still plenty of areas in which consumers need to do better in the fight against criminal activity in the digital space.

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