Can I Dispute a Charge on My Bank Statement?

Let’s assume that you make a purchase online. You put the goods in your cart, enter your shipping and billing information, hit checkout, get your confirmation email…everything seems good. But then, weeks—and eventually months—go by, and the goods you ordered never arrived.

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Fraud threats 2021

5 Common Fraud Schemes to Know in 2021

2020 has been a challenging year for everyone, to say the least. But, as this year draws to a close, and we begin to see an end in sight for the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s finally time to begin looking toward the future.

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Holiday Fraud Prevention

Shopping Online this Holiday? Here’s 6 Simple Tips to Prevent Fraud

With the shadow of COVID-19 looming over the 2020 holiday season, millions of consumers are going to be doing a majority—or all—of their shopping online this year. For some, this could be the first year you’ve done any business online.

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Holiday fraud cash

‘Tis the Season for Gift Card Scams

It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is almost upon us again. The year 2020 has been a wild ride, as we’ve collectively dealt with new threats and ongoing disruptions. It would be nice to believe that by December things will all be back to normal … but that probably won’t be the case.

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Work from Home Scam

Are “Work-at-Home” Jobs a Scam?

Consumer fraud happens all the time, but there are some periods where it flourishes. The holiday season is a great example: lots of sales transactions make it less likely fraud will be noticed immediately. At the same time, folks tend to feel more generous and sympathetic at that time of year, and fraudsters prey on that fact.

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COVID-19 fraud

Fraud Protection in a Time of Crisis

One of the most frustrating aspects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is that information seems to change on a daily basis. Because the novel coronavirus is new, medical professionals around the world are engaged in deep research. This collective understanding of how the virus works is constantly evolving, so naturally, the recommended measures to protect against it keep changing, too.

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COVID-19 fraud scams

How Scammers are Taking Advantage of COVID-19

This is a difficult time for everyone. We’re all facing new and unique challenges as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, along with the resulting economic uncertainty ahead. Even with all this upheaval, though, there are some things that never change. We’re talking, of course, about online fraudsters.

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Dangerous Credit Card Swipe

5 Dangerous Places to Swipe Your Credit Card

It’s the call or text you absolutely don’t want to get: the one from the bank that says, “Your credit card is restricted due to suspicious activity.” Panic sets in immediately: what should you do? Who can you turn to? How did this happen?

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2020 fraud

6 Fraud Threats to Watch for in the New Decade

New decade…new threats facing consumers. While technology evolves alongside our understanding of current security challenges, fraudsters still find new and inventive methods of getting around our defenses every day.

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Post-holiday fraud

Watch Out for Post-Holiday Scammers

With the surge in consumer spending that comes during the holiday season, plus the hectic pace that it entails, it’s no surprise that the last weeks of the year are prime time for fraudsters. The threat doesn’t go away, though, even once the presents are open and holidays are finally done.

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